Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Katie Likes Self Tanning.

I've never noticed that Katie has a bottle tan...but apparently she lives for this shit. She claims that her fair skin can't handle the sun and that tanning cream is not a "hobby"...sure.

Katie Likes Abbrevs.

You name it, she can shorten it. Katie lives life in the fast lane, and when you go fast, you have no time for long convos.

Katie Likes Teeth Whitening...A LOT.

She says she wants them to "glow in the dark". She just gave up coffee for 100 days to be healthier...sure. She's really doing it for whiter teeth.

Katie Likes Good Grades.

Katie achieved a 4.0 average in High School. She says she's just like anybody else...hmm.

Katie Likes Show Choir.

Including Jazz Hands. She says she did show choir in high school for her resume...right.
Editors Note: Check out that maxi pad wing!

Katie Likes Her Sense Of Smell.

She can smell odors from miles away. Once at Justin's house, a smell was driving her nuts. After sniffing all over the place, we finally figured out that it was the broccoli and dip on the table...sure Katie, sure.

Katie Likes This Blog.

Katie: omfg
fucking hilar